# Graph



实例化图形后,没有添加至 CRender 实例时,调用任何实例方法都会抛出异常。

# 实例化

 * @description Graph 基类
 * @param {GraphConfig<Shape>} config 图形配置
class Graph {
  constructor(config: GraphConfig<Shape>) {
    // ...
点击以展示/隐藏 GraphConfig 类型详情
import { StyleConfig } from './style'
import { EaseCurve } from '@jiaminghi/transition/types/types/core/index'
import { RgbaValue } from '@jiaminghi/color/types/types'
import { Graph } from '../..'

export type HoverRect = [number, number, number, number]

export type Point = [number, number]

export type HoverCheck = (point: Point) => boolean

export type Move = (e: MouseEvent) => void

// eslint-disable-next-line
export type GraphConfig<Shape = any> = {
   * @description Graph shape
  shape: Shape
   * @description Graph style
  style?: StyleConfig<string | RgbaValue>
   * @description Weather to render graph
  visible?: boolean
   * @description Whether to enable drag
  drag?: boolean
   * @description Whether to enable hover
  hover?: boolean
   * @description Graph rendering index
   *  Give priority to index high graph in rendering
  index?: number
   * @description Animation delay time(ms)
  animationDelay?: number
   * @description Number of animation frames
  animationFrame?: number
   * @description Animation dynamic curve (Supported by transition)
   * @link https://github.com/jiaming743/Transition
  animationCurve?: EaseCurve
   * @description Weather to pause graph animation
  animationPause?: boolean
   * @description Rectangular hover detection zone
   *  Use this method for hover detection first
   * @example hoverRect = [0, 0, 100, 100] // [Rect start x, y, Rect width, height]
  hoverRect?: HoverRect
   * @description Mouse enter event handler
  onMouseEnter?: Function
   * @description Mouse outer event handler
  onMouseOuter?: Function
   * @description Mouse click event handler
  onClick?: Function
   * @description Funciton of draw graph
  draw?: Function
   * @description Function of set Graph center
  setGraphCenter?: (e?: MouseEvent) => void
   * @description Funciton of check graph is hovered
  hoverCheck?: (point: Point) => boolean
   * @description Function of Graph move
  move?: (e: MouseEvent) => void
   * @description Life cycle beforeAdd
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  beforeAdd?: (graph: Graph) => any
   * @description Life cycle added
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  added?: (graph: Graph) => any
   * Life Cycle when graph before draw
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  beforeDraw?: (graph: Graph) => any
   * Life Cycle when graph drawed
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  drawed?: (graph: Graph) => any
   * Life Cycle when graph before move
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  beforeMove?: (e: MouseEvent, graph: Graph) => any
   * @description Life Cycle when graph moved
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  moved?: (e: MouseEvent, graph: Graph) => any
   * @description Life Cycle when graph before delete
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  beforeDelete?: (graph: Graph) => any
   * @description Life Cycle when graph deleted
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  deleted?: (graph: Graph) => any

export enum Status {
  DRAG = 'DRAG',

export type AnimationKey = 'shape' | 'style'

export type AnimationFrameStateItem<Shape> = Partial<Shape> | StyleConfig<RgbaValue>

// eslint-disable-next-line
export type AnimationQueueItem<Shape = any> = {
  key: AnimationKey
  frameState: AnimationFrameStateItem<Shape>[]

# 实例属性


# render

 * @description 所属的CRender实例
render!: CRender

# shape

 * @description 图形形状信息
shape!: Shape

# style

 * @description 图形样式信息
style!: Style

# visible

 * @description 是否渲染图形
visible: boolean = true

# drag

 * @description 是否允许拖拽
 * 启用拖拽的前置条件是启用hover检测
drag: boolean = false

# hover

 * @description 是否启用hover检测
 * 不启用将无法触发onMouseEnter / onMouseOuter / onClick事件
 * 也不能进行拖拽操作
hover: boolean = false

# index

 * @description index越高 层级越高
 * 优先渲染层级高者
index: number = 1

# animationDelay

 * @description 动画延迟(毫秒)
animationDelay: number = 0

# animationFrame

 * @description 每次动画的帧数
 * 帧数越多 动画时长越长
animationFrame: number = 30

# animationCurve

 * @description 动画动效曲线
 * @link https://github.com/jiaming743/Transition
animationCurve: EaseCurve = 'linear'

# animationPause

 * @description 是否处于暂停动画状态
animationPause: boolean = false

# hoverRect

 * @description 矩形悬浮检测盒
 * 如果配置该项 将优先使用检测盒进行悬浮检测
 * @example hoverRect = [0, 0, 100, 100] // [Rect start x, y, Rect width, height]
hoverRect?: HoverRect

# onMouseEnter

 * @description Mouse enter事件处理器
onMouseEnter?: (e: MouseEvent) => any

# onMouseOuter

 * @description Mouse outer事件处理器
onMouseOuter?: (e: MouseEvent) => any

# onClick

 * @description Mouse click事件处理器
onClick?: (e: MouseEvent) => any

# status

 * @description 图形当前状态
status: Status = Status.STATIC

# animationQueue

 * @description 图形动画队列数据
animationQueue: AnimationQueueItem<Shape>[] = []



# 实例方法


# attr

 * @description 修改图形状态
 * @param {keyof GraphConfig<Shape>} key 要修改的属性键
 * @param {Partial<GraphConfig<Shape>[typeof key]>} value 修改的目标状态
 * @param {boolean} reDraw 是否重新渲染
  key: keyof GraphConfig<Shape>,
  value: Partial<GraphConfig<Shape>[typeof key]>,
  reDraw: boolean = true
): void {
  // ...

# animation

 * @description 修改图形形状或样式(伴随动画)
 * @param {AnimationKey} key 要修改的属性键 ('shape' | 'style')
 * @param {Partial<Shape> | StyleConfig<string | RgbaValue>} value 修改的目标状态
 * @param {boolean} 是否等待后续操作 暂不渲染
async animation(key: 'shape', value: Partial<Shape>, wait?: boolean): Promise<void>
async animation(
  key: 'style',
  value: StyleConfig<string | RgbaValue>,
  wait?: boolean
): Promise<void>
async animation(
  key: AnimationKey,
  value: Partial<Shape> | StyleConfig<string | RgbaValue>,
  wait: boolean = false
): Promise<void> {
  // ...

# animationEnd

 * @description 直接跳至最后一帧动画
animationEnd(): void {
  // ...

# pauseAnimation

 * @description 暂停动画
pauseAnimation(): void {
  // ...

# playAnimation

 * @description 尝试进行动画
playAnimation(): Promise<void> {
  // ...

# clone

 * @description 克隆图形
 * @param {boolean} 是否自动添加至所属CRender实例
clone(add: boolean = true): this {
  // ...

# 生命周期

# beforeAdd

 * @description 图形添加前被调用
beforeAdd?: (graph: Graph) => any

# added

 * @description 图形添加后被调用
added?: (graph: Graph) => any

# beforeDraw

 * @description 图形渲染前被调用
beforeDraw?: (graph: Graph) => any

# drawed

 * @description 图形渲染后被调用
drawed?: (graph: Graph) => any

# beforeMove

 * @description 图形移动前被调用
 * @param {MouseEvent} e 鼠标事件
beforeMove?: (e: MouseEvent, graph: Graph) => any

# moved

 * @description 图形移动后被调用
 * @param {MouseEvent} e 鼠标事件
moved?: (e: MouseEvent, graph: Graph) => any

# beforeDelete

 * @description 图形删除前被调用
beforeDelete?: (graph: Graph) => any

# deleted

 * @description 图形删除后被调用
deleted?: (graph: Graph) => any

# 覆盖默认行为


# draw

 * @description 图形的绘制方法
draw?: Function

# setGraphCenter

 * @description 设置图形中心点的方法
setGraphCenter?: (e?: MouseEvent) => void

# hoverCheck

 * @description 图形的悬浮检测方法
hoverCheck?: (point: Point) => boolean

# move

 * @description 图形的移动方法
move?: (e: MouseEvent) => void